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Romann Weber
(1 von 5 Punkte)
schrieb vor 5 Jahren
Schweiz, Bergdietikon, 1 Bewertung

I regret to say that the bottom line is that, in my opinion, this firm cannot be trusted to act in good faith.

My wife and I used Umzugsqueen and its cleaning service for a move in November 2019. Our cleaning estimate, which we considered very reasonable, was contingent upon our using both services. Moving day passed without issue, and we found the crew to be punctual, friendly, and professional. All of our belongings were moved without damage, and any necessary furniture disassembly and reassembly was done very well (and looked like a lot of work). My only complaint that day was being charged a weight surcharge for a digital piano that was underweight relative to the minimum weight cutoff. We were told during our original assessment that there would be no such charge, but since there was no easy way to prove it at the end of the day, I just paid it. (Payment is due on the spot in cash.) If this were the entirety of my experience with Umzugsqueen, I'd consider it very positive.

The handover cleaning the following day was a different story, however. A variety of areas in our old apartment were incompletely or incorrectly cleaned (e.g. windows, windowsills), altogether untouched (e.g. the cellar, bathroom dust filters), or damaged. Most concerning was oxidative damage to several metal items in the bathrooms (flush plate, towel holders, etc.), ostensibly caused by using an acidic or corrosive compound to try to clean them. The landlord determined that they were damaged beyond repair; they were replaced at our expense.

The cleaner insisted that the damage was there prior to cleaning. He then tried to pass off pictures timestamped from two hours after cleaning began as "before" images documenting the damage. He also said that he would call an "expert" (from his own firm, no less) to inspect the material and determine the cause of the damage. If the expert sided with him, I would have to pay full price and also have to pay the expert! (Needless to say, I did not take this bargain.) Fortunately, the new tenant had images and video from his recent visit documenting all of the items in question in pristine condition. The cleaner then shifted his tune and claimed that it was a defect in the metal that was to blame.

The cleaner eventually agreed to pay me the difference between what I withheld from him on the day (I refused to pay full price on the spot) and what I was billed, apparently following some pressure from Umzugsqueen, which shifted the burden to him. That was over a month ago. After stalling me several times, he stopped responding to my messages altogether. I again notified Umzugsqueen that the matter was unresolved and that I considered it their responsibility to handle, but they have continued to ignore me as well.

Mistakes happen. That is not what this review is about. Instead, my recommendation against using this firm is primarily about Umzugsqueen's communication—namely prevarication, miscommunication or no communication at all. If you book this firm, they will be available to you prior to your paying them. But once you pay, if you have a problem, or if they owe you money due to damage, your messages will be ignored. I have been trying to get this matter resolved for almost two months now, and I can't seem to get anyone to take my calls or return my e-mails.

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B. Frey
(1 von 5 Punkte)
schrieb vor 6 Jahren
Schweiz, Ostermundigen, 1 Bewertung

Der Auftrag wurde aufgrund einer Offerte, die sich auf eine Besichtigung der 3-Zimmer Wohnung sowie des Zügelgutes bezieht, erteilt. Obwohl bereits im Vorfeld Bedenken vom Auftraggeber geäussert wurden, ob ein 3.5 t Fahrzeug ausreicht oder nicht, fuhren die Mitarbeiter von Umzugsqueen mit einem Fahrzeug vor, das noch mit einer Matratze beladen war, die am Vortag von einem anderen Umzug zur Entsorgung abgegeben wurde. Von 8:10 Uhr bis 13:45 Uhr, also während mehr als 5.5 Stunden wurde die Ladung im Fahrzeug hin und her geschoben um den Ladeplatz zu optimieren. Mir als Helfer war von Beginn weg war klar, dass das 3.5 t Fahrzeug nicht ausreichen würde.
Bei einem genügend grossen Fahrzeug hätte die Beladung kaum mehr als 2 Stunden gedauert. Obwohl noch zwei Privatautos, eines davon ein Kombi, bis unter das Dach beladen wurden, reichte das 3.5t Fahrzeug nicht aus. Umzugsqueen musste zweimal fahren. Entsprechend stimmte die Offerte bezüglich Zeitaufwand hinten und vorne nicht. Die Planung und Ausführung des Umzuges war schlicht weg dilettantisch. Der Verdacht liegt nahe, dass mit einem solchen Vorgehen sogar gezielt mehr Stundenaufwand generiert werden.

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